Featured March 1, 2018

Name: Jessica Smilowitz

Current Profession/ Job Title: Research Project Manager

Current Place of Residence (City or Borough): Jersey City, NJ

Hometown or Place of Origin (prior to Rutgers): East Brunswick, NJ

Class Year: 2009

Campus Affiliation: New Brunswick/Piscataway

Rutgers School or College Affiliation(s): Douglass College, Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy

Rutgers Degree(s)/Major(s): BS, Dual Major in Public Health and Psychology

Favorite Place to eat on campus: Hansel ‘N Griddle

Give us one word to describe your Rutgers experience?: Transformational

What is one thing you learned at Rutgers that has helped prepare you post-graduation professionally or personally?: Working with a diverse array of people, with different backgrounds and experiences was by far the most powerful part of my Rutgers experience. Today working with patient populations, doctors, and researchers this is part of my everyday work. 

What is a part of your identity that you discovered while at RU (passion for something, political beliefs, etc)?: Openness to new experiences and redevelopment

How has your Rutgers education or network help get you where you are today?: Back in 2009, Rutgers was one of the few schools that offered a public health major, making it appealing to future employers and graduate schools. As for the network, my professors, managers at my part time job, and preceptors in Rutgers programs provided guidance into getting into graduate school and exploring internship opportunities.

If you could share one piece of advice with a current freshman, what would it be?: Get involved in as many extra-curricular activities, clubs, and organizations as your schedule allows. Get the most out of your college experience.

Final thoughts or reflections?: Everything I did at Rutgers positively impacts my life. Everyday I am reminded of the the skills, knowledge, and connections that I walked away with. Even this upcoming September, I am marrying a Rutger’s alumni I met while in college! I can confidently say the best aspects of my life stemmed from my college experience at Rutgers!